jueves, 23 de abril de 2015


The role of the teacher 

In this part of the book, I learnt how import the role of the teacher is in the classroom. First of all, I can say that to be a teacher is a work very hard because to be a teacher it is necessary to have vocation, patience and time because a teacher is not just the person who teaches knowledge, a good teacher will be the person who teaches values for the life and motivate learners. Teachers have different roles for example they have to be assessor, contributor, counselor, facilitator, diagnostician, manager, planner, reflector, monitor and so on. On the other hand, on the book says that there three teaching principals. First, students do more learning tasks. It means that pupils enjoy doing many activities in the classroom. The second is that teachers do less telling. In this way they help students to discover new knowledge and they can look for new definition for some words and they can build their knowledge by themselves, Finally, teachers do instructional design work more carefully, so teachers have the goals to prepare their materials in order to teach their classes,, but the teachers have to consider the learner’s need and levels. In order to apply this knowledge with my pupils, I will motivate them through activities, warm- ups, games that they like to do or topics they like to study, but it will be sometimes   

You can watch this video to find extra information 

Roles of the teacher 


References for additional information 

Tugba, C. (2014). What is the role of teache? [ Video]. Disponible en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OTZxXdWVUM.

Adrian, A. (2007). The teacher`s role in implementing cooprative learning in the classroom .

Mirian, B. P. (2000). Teachers and the role of the teachers` lounge. New York.


                    The purpose and Process of Evaluation

“From learner centered teaching book”, I learnt about the importance and the purpose of evaluation. Evaluation means to assess or judge the quality and the importance of effectiveness of something. Teachers have to evaluate learners’ progress or strengths and weaknesses.  Moreover, teacher must grade all assignments and task because in this way they can promote the learning process. Also, it can show what students learn. There are different methods, strategies, and ways to evaluate students. Teacher can use Informal and informal assessment. Formal assessment is when teachers judge learners ‘work through a test and then she or he gives a formal report. Meanwhile, informal assessment is when a teacher decides whether a learner is doing well or not. Another way to evaluate students is using formative assessment because through this kind of evaluation teachers can evaluate students during all program, but if the teacher use just summative assessment it can be unfair because it is at the end of a program and just provide grades and learners cannot receive feedback about their mistakes on the quiz.  From my point of view Self- assessment is more important because it let us to know how good we think our progress or language is. It means that we have the opportunity to see our progress in the learning process and if we have some weaknesses we can improve that. On the other hand, teachers can evaluate critical thinking, effort, problem solving, logical reasoning, and ability to synthetize. In order to apply this knowledge with my pupils, I will use all these strategies because they are very necessary. Furthermore, I will evaluate them through exams, quizzes, portfolios, and project works

You can watch the video to find extra information about the evaluation 

Ways to evaluate students 

References for additional information 

  • Ola, S. A. (2015). Testing & Evaluation (types of assessments).

  • Sangster, M. O. (2006). Assessment its purposes.
  • Paul, W. (2002). Assessmnet: to measure or to learn?


Unit 8 Speaking 

In unit 8, I learnt about Speaking. Speaking is a productive skill. It involves speech to communicate meanings to other people. When we speak we use intonation, word and structure stress, accurate, individual sounds, linking and contractions in order to convey meaning. However, we have to be carefully with the stress and hesitations because if we do not use it correctly people can misunderstand our ideas. There are some features that we have to take into account at the moment to speak. For instance, use the correct language. It means use formal or informal language according to people who are you talking to. Moreover, your speech has to have accuracy, appropriacy, fluency because it shows a successful oral communication. In order to apply this knowledge with my pupils, I will use short dialogues, conversations and role plays. These activities will help them to improve their speaking, but before I will talk about some aspects that are really necessary to have at the moment to speak like the correct use of intonation, stress, accuracy, appropriacy, and sometimes they have to use gestures, eye contact, and facial expressions in order to covey meaning successfully. 

You can watch this video to find extra information 

Activities in order to teach our students 

Role plays 

Activities which students can use to improve their speaking


References for additional information

Free speaking worsheets. (2011). Teach ESL today.
Engfluent. (2014). Engilsh speaking skills (by yoursef) [Video]. Disponible en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAU2zx2Ri_M.
Kelly, L. (2010). Speaking with confidence and skill.

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015


Unit 7 Listening 

In unit 7, I learnt about how important listening is. Listening is a receptive skill. It involves responding to language rather than producing it. There are different listening subskills they are the following; listen for gist/global understanding, specific information, detail or to infer attitudes, Also, there are two ways of listening as listening intensively and extensively. When we talk about listening some aspects are consider as important parts for example, the intonation, phonemes, hesitations, stress, connected speech, gestures and so on. On the other hand, there some activities that are related with listening as for example introductory activities, main activities, and post-task activities. These activities require learners to use some of the language they have met in the class. Teachers can use authentic materials in order to practice listening with their learners. The materials are CDs, DVDs. It can be very useful because learners are exposure to a rage of accents and speeds of delivery. In order to apply this knowledge with my learners, I will let them to hear short dialogues in which they can identify the intonation, stress of native speakers. In this way they can improve their listening skill. 

Check this video in order to find extra information 


Activities for students

References for additional information 

Emma, L. E. (2014). IELTS Listening- Top 14 tips`Video . Dsiponible en: 

Matheus. (2011). Litening comprehension worksheets.

J, D. (2010). Developing listening skills.


Unit 6 Writing 

In unit 6, I learnt about the importance of writing. Writing is a process to write your ideas using symbols and letters. Writing is a productive skill. When we write something we have to take into account the degree of formality, but it depends on the kind of text we want to write. Also, it is necessary to use layouts and different ways of ordering information. Furthermore, Accuracy and cohesive are very important in your writing. On the other hand, writing can gave different purposes. For instance, it helps the memory to remember the vocabulary, grammar rules, or meanings, and it helps learner to take notes about any topic. A writer must consider all the steps in order to write something for example, planning organizing ideas, drafting, editing, proofreading, and re-drafting. In order to apply this knowledge with my learners, I will let them to write a paragraph about “their families”. Hence, the paragraphs will contain main idea and supporting ideas. Also, the punctuation will be very important.

You can watch this video if you want to review more information about writing 

Activities for students 

Example of short paragraph 


References for additional information

  • Kristin, P. (2012). How to teach creative writing techniques, part 4[Video]. Disponible en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5UZ9ES4HP0.
  • Jim, M. (2012). The 5-steps-writing process: From brainstorming to publishing. Life Rich.
  • Petter, L. (2014). Free sentence writing worksheets for kindergarten ·11693.


Unit 5 Reading 

In unit 5, I learnt about the importance of reading. Goodman (1969) stated “Reading as a process of communication between human’s life. I agree with this point of view because through reading people can interact their ideas about any topic. Also, reading offers additional exposure to the language. Therefore, reading is a receptive skill and it involves reading for specific information (scanning), reading for detail, deducing meaning from context, understanding text structure, reading for gist (skimming) inferring and predicting.  There are ways of reading. They are extensive and intensive reading and reading for pleasure. Intensive reading has different purpose for example, to examine the use of specific features as (verbs, tense of forms), to infer meaning of new vocabulary, to learn about discourse markers (how phrases are used). According to Carrel and Carson (1997) “extensive reading involves rapid reading of large quantities of material or longer reading (whole book) for general understanding”. It helps learners to improve their reading skills. In order to apply this knowledge my learners, I will use different text types as for example, letters, articles, postcards, stories, leaflets, and poems because these kind of text are really useful for them. 

You can watch this video to find extra information


Activities for students 

                                                    Reference for additional information 
  • Charles Alderson, J. (2010). Assesing reading. Cambridge .

  • Tina, Z. (2013). The reading Process [Video]. Disponible en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fPdgJOwbes.

  • Bindurg, D. (2008). Extensive Reading . Norderstedt Germany.

  • Wilma’s Greeting : Reading Comprehension – 3rd Grade Reading Worksheet - JumpStart


Unit 4 Functions 

In unit 4, I learnt about functions and exponents in the classroom. Function refers to the use of language for a specific purpose. Meanwhile, exponents refer to the language we use to express a function. Some examples of functions are the following: apologizing, greeting, clarifying, inviting, and agreeing. It is really important to use these functions and exponents according to the situations and you have to take into account the level of formality of the language you use. For example, people in connected speech most of time use formal language because it can demonstrate respect to others, but if you are with your close friends you just use informal language because it can demonstrate that you fell free to use the language in this way with them. Moreover, learners tend to use informal exponents that are colloquial. For instance, he`s off his head. On the other hand, people use neutral exponents that show neither great respect not too much casualness between them. In order to apply this knowledge with my pupils, I will use dialogues and role plays using the appropriate register. It means using the correct language according to the level of learners and learner’s needs.  

Watch this video in order to find more information 

Worksheets for students to get better idea about functions 

Activities for students 

References for additional information

Sprat Mary., P. A. (2011). TKT (Teaching Knowledge Test). En 2. a. The TKT Course Modules 1, The TKT Course Modules 1, 2 and 3 (págs. 27-30). Cambridge University .

 Ontesol. (2014). Teachin grammar: Understanding structures [Video]. Disponible en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LW7ziNQadvk.

Kisdobos. (2010). Help Mr Splash (Simple Function in English).