jueves, 23 de abril de 2015


The role of the teacher 

In this part of the book, I learnt how import the role of the teacher is in the classroom. First of all, I can say that to be a teacher is a work very hard because to be a teacher it is necessary to have vocation, patience and time because a teacher is not just the person who teaches knowledge, a good teacher will be the person who teaches values for the life and motivate learners. Teachers have different roles for example they have to be assessor, contributor, counselor, facilitator, diagnostician, manager, planner, reflector, monitor and so on. On the other hand, on the book says that there three teaching principals. First, students do more learning tasks. It means that pupils enjoy doing many activities in the classroom. The second is that teachers do less telling. In this way they help students to discover new knowledge and they can look for new definition for some words and they can build their knowledge by themselves, Finally, teachers do instructional design work more carefully, so teachers have the goals to prepare their materials in order to teach their classes,, but the teachers have to consider the learner’s need and levels. In order to apply this knowledge with my pupils, I will motivate them through activities, warm- ups, games that they like to do or topics they like to study, but it will be sometimes   

You can watch this video to find extra information 

Roles of the teacher 


References for additional information 

Tugba, C. (2014). What is the role of teache? [ Video]. Disponible en: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OTZxXdWVUM.

Adrian, A. (2007). The teacher`s role in implementing cooprative learning in the classroom .

Mirian, B. P. (2000). Teachers and the role of the teachers` lounge. New York.

2 comentarios:

  1. You chose the best unit because the role of the teacher is for us as future teachers we have to know how many roles we develop in the classroom all of them are amazing, also we learn from our students. Values as you said are combined with knowledge

  2. I was reading your blog, I agree with you, teacher has many roles. teacher need to know how to fulfill students need.
