jueves, 23 de abril de 2015


                    The purpose and Process of Evaluation

“From learner centered teaching book”, I learnt about the importance and the purpose of evaluation. Evaluation means to assess or judge the quality and the importance of effectiveness of something. Teachers have to evaluate learners’ progress or strengths and weaknesses.  Moreover, teacher must grade all assignments and task because in this way they can promote the learning process. Also, it can show what students learn. There are different methods, strategies, and ways to evaluate students. Teacher can use Informal and informal assessment. Formal assessment is when teachers judge learners ‘work through a test and then she or he gives a formal report. Meanwhile, informal assessment is when a teacher decides whether a learner is doing well or not. Another way to evaluate students is using formative assessment because through this kind of evaluation teachers can evaluate students during all program, but if the teacher use just summative assessment it can be unfair because it is at the end of a program and just provide grades and learners cannot receive feedback about their mistakes on the quiz.  From my point of view Self- assessment is more important because it let us to know how good we think our progress or language is. It means that we have the opportunity to see our progress in the learning process and if we have some weaknesses we can improve that. On the other hand, teachers can evaluate critical thinking, effort, problem solving, logical reasoning, and ability to synthetize. In order to apply this knowledge with my pupils, I will use all these strategies because they are very necessary. Furthermore, I will evaluate them through exams, quizzes, portfolios, and project works

You can watch the video to find extra information about the evaluation 

Ways to evaluate students 

References for additional information 

  • Ola, S. A. (2015). Testing & Evaluation (types of assessments).

  • Sangster, M. O. (2006). Assessment its purposes.
  • Paul, W. (2002). Assessmnet: to measure or to learn?

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