miércoles, 22 de abril de 2015


Unit 7 Listening 

In unit 7, I learnt about how important listening is. Listening is a receptive skill. It involves responding to language rather than producing it. There are different listening subskills they are the following; listen for gist/global understanding, specific information, detail or to infer attitudes, Also, there are two ways of listening as listening intensively and extensively. When we talk about listening some aspects are consider as important parts for example, the intonation, phonemes, hesitations, stress, connected speech, gestures and so on. On the other hand, there some activities that are related with listening as for example introductory activities, main activities, and post-task activities. These activities require learners to use some of the language they have met in the class. Teachers can use authentic materials in order to practice listening with their learners. The materials are CDs, DVDs. It can be very useful because learners are exposure to a rage of accents and speeds of delivery. In order to apply this knowledge with my learners, I will let them to hear short dialogues in which they can identify the intonation, stress of native speakers. In this way they can improve their listening skill. 

Check this video in order to find extra information 


Activities for students

References for additional information 

Emma, L. E. (2014). IELTS Listening- Top 14 tips`Video . Dsiponible en: 

Matheus. (2011). Litening comprehension worksheets.

J, D. (2010). Developing listening skills.

2 comentarios:

  1. Monica, I believe that listening is one of the most important skills even though few people like it. Moreover, it is a receptive skill that needs to be encourage in the classroom. Language comes to our brain bringing a lot information through listening.

  2. Listening is an important skills that human being must have. It represents comunication, make sounds to give meaning. The activities that you include are relevant for teaching listening.
